Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ)

A Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ), not to be confused with the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ), is a set of questions devised by the fitness professional to gain a better understanding of a participant’s training history and preferences.

The purpose of these questions is that fitness professionals may set exercises that are appropriate and enjoyable for the participant.

PAQ Example

  1. Have you trained before?

  2. When did you first begin training?

  3. How long have you trained for?

  4. Have there been any significant periods of inactivity in your training history?

  5. How often do you train in a given week?

  6. What are you favourite exercises?

  7. What are your least favourite exercises?

  8. Do you engage in any physical activity outside of your training, such as sports or dance?


Dynamic Stretches


A Sample Boxer’s Workout