A Sample Boxer’s Workout

  • Warm-Up

    • Ropework

      • Bounce

        • Side-to-Side

        • Forward-and-Back

        • Jumping Jack

      • Alternate Feet

        • Hop

        • High Knees

        • Sprint

  • Movement Preparation

    • Dynamic Stretches

      • Neck

        • Up-and-Down

        • Side-to-Side

      • Shoulders, Arms and Chest

        • Arm Swings

          • Up-and-Down

          • Criss-crosses

        • Arm Circles

          • Forwards

          • Backwards

      • Abdominals and Back

        • Up Dog / Down Dog

        • Inchworms

        • Torso Twists

      • Hips

        • Hip Hinges

        • Hip Circles

        • Hip Turnouts

        • High Kicks with Toe Touches

      • Knees

        • Squats

        • Lunge Twists

        • Knee Circles

      • Ankles

        • Ankle Circles

          • Clockwise

          • Anti-clockwise

    • Shadowboxing

      • Basic Punches

      • Basic Combinations

      • Specific Techniques

      • Specific Combinations

  • Main Workout

    • Padwork / Partnerwork

      • Single Punches, Blocks, Head Movement, and Footwork techniques.

      • Layering / Stacking / Looping combinations

    • Bagwork

      • Specific Punches / Combinations

      • Punches with Head Movement and/or Footwork

      • Styles and Tactics

      • Power

    • Floorwork

      • Legs

        • Squats

        • Lunges

        • Squat Jumps

        • Lunge Jumps

        • Burpees

      • Arms

        • Push-Ups

          • Wide Grip

          • Normal

          • Diamond

        • Dynamic Planks

          • High Plank / Low Plank

          • Punching Plank

      • Core

        • Sit-Ups / Crunches

        • Leg Raises / Scissor Kicks / Cross-overs

        • V-Ups / Toe Touches

        • Back Raises / Skydivers

        • Mountain Climbers / Frog Jumps

        • Static Planks

  • Cool Down

    • Ropework

  • Tissue Restoration

    • Static/Dynamic Stretches

      • Neck

        • Up-and-Down

        • Side-to-Side

      • Shoulders, Arms and Chest

        • Arm Swings

          • Up-and-Down

          • Criss-crosses

        • Arm Circles

          • Forwards

          • Backwards

      • Abdominals and Back

        • Up Dog / Down Dog

        • Inchworms

        • Torso Twists

      • Hips

        • Hip Hinges

        • Hip Circles

        • Hip Turnouts

        • High Kicks with Toe Touches

      • Knees

        • Squats

        • Lunge Twists

        • Knee Circles

      • Ankles

        • Ankle Circles

          • Clockwise

          • Anti-clockwise

    • Shadowboxing

      • Recap

      • Freestyle

      • Slow to a stop.

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Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ)


10 Basic Combinations