How to Cross

The cross, also known as a straight punch, is an important punch in boxing and is also an excellent exercise for improving overall boxing fitness. The cross is a straight punch that is thrown with the dominant hand and is used to deliver a powerful shot to the head or body of an opponent. It is a punch that requires proper technique and good body alignment in order to be effective.

In terms of its importance for fitness, the cross is a great exercise for working the muscles in the arms, shoulders, and chest. It also requires good hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes, making it a valuable tool for improving these skills. Throwing crosses repeatedly as part of a shadowboxing or bag work routine can help improve muscle endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

Overall, the cross is an important punch in boxing and is also an excellent exercise for improving overall boxing fitness. It works a variety of muscle groups, improves hand-eye coordination, and requires quick reflexes, making it a valuable addition to any boxing workout.

Below is a basic outline of the cross along with common mistakes to avoid:

Starting Position

Orthodox stance (Southpaws reverse ‘right’ and ‘left’):

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart.

  2. Step the right foot back.

  3. Turn the heels 45-degrees.

  4. Lift the rear heel up.

  5. Bend the knees.

  6. Elbows on the ribs.

  7. Wrists straight.

  8. Fingers tucked under thumbs.

  9. Hands to chin.

  10. Chin down.


The Cross

  1. Extend the rear hand.

  2. Turn the hip.

  3. Turn the rear heel up.

  4. Turn the hand over, knuckles up.

  5. Clench before impact.

  6. Exhale.

  7. Punch through the target.

  8. Rear shoulder raised over the side of the jaw.

  9. Lead hand protecting the chin.

  10. Relax the hand after impact.

  11. Retract the hand, hip and heel back to the guarded stance.


Common Mistakes

  1. Flat-footed stance.

  2. Standing square to opponent.

  3. Standing side-on to opponent.

  4. Locked knees.

  5. Flaring elbows.

  6. Low hands.

  7. Wrists bent.

  8. Thumbs tucked under fingers.

  9. High chin.

  10. Eyes distracted.

  11. Holding the breath or inhaling.

  12. Locking the heel.

  13. Locking the hip.

  14. Telegraphing with the elbow flare.

  15. Not fully extending.

  16. Hand vertical.

  17. Unclenched hand before impact.

  18. Punching at the target, not through it.

  19. Tensing hands and arms the whole time.

  20. Not retracting back to a guard.

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