The Jabberhook!

Today I made a discovery. Actually, I didn’t make the discovery - my client did. Well, not exactly a discovery - more like a mistake. But mistakes are how discoveries are made, so, not exactly a mistake either. More like a spontaneous act of genius. Genius I tell you!

What is it, you ask? Only the invention of a new punch! A new punch! Yes. A new punch hath been discovered! A punch no mortal hath ever seen.

I call it… the Jabberhook!

What is the Jabberhook, you ask? Ha! If only you could see it.

Let me put it into words, or at least try. Just know that words will fail me!

It looks like a jab, but it is no jab. It looks like a hook, but it is no hook. It is something else. Indeed, it is both, but it is beyond both. It is a punch from another dimension.

Confused? I was too. I still am! Even my client was confused, and they were the one who threw it! Well, more like the punch threw them. Threw them off guard. Threw me off guard! It just took possession. The punch had a mind of its own.

Understand, young boxer, confusion is the point. It’s no use throwing a jab or a hook if your opponent knows the jab and the hook. But do they know the Jabberhook? I highly doubt it.

This punch will take the boxing world by storm. Believe it! The Jabberhook is coming.

Interested? You should be! But understand, young boxer, this is no ordinary punch. One does not simply choose to do a Jabberhook. The Jabberhook chooses you!


How to Cross


99-Punch Combination