Health Problems, Healthy Solutions

What is the importance of a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is important for both physical and mental well-being. The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee states that exercise reduces risk of weight gain and major illnesses, including heart disease, cancer and depression.

Yet many people struggle with weight loss. The Health Survey for England 2018 (published 2019) listed the following statistics:

  • 63% of people were classified as overweight/obese.

    • 67% of men and 60% of women.

  • Obesity was more common in women than in men.

    • 26% of men and 29% of women were classified as obese.

  • 56% of adults were at increased, high or very high risk of chronic disease.

    • These risks were due to waist circumference and body mass index (BMI).

The solution begins with knowing what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), there are two recommended exercise guidelines for adults:

  • Moderate intensity aerobic physical activity for at least 150 mins (2 hrs 30 mins) to 300 mins (5 hrs) per week.

  • Vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity for at least 75 mins (1 hr 15 mins) to 150 mins (2 hrs 30 mins) per week.

How this time is scheduled will depend on the individual. One basic schedule might be 30 mins of moderate exercise (or 15 minutes of vigorous exercise) on weekdays, with a rest over the weekend.

If your current training routine fits these guidelines, you may continue knowing that it meets the requirements.

If your routine does not fit the requirements, not to worry because 15-30 minutes a day is achievable. Reflect on the sports or activities you enjoy or always wanted to try and just get started. You will thank yourself in the end.


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