The 3 Mayweather Padwork Styles

Mayweather-style padwork is about practicing a set number of counter-punch combinations, and then calling them out in the midst of basic punches, defence and footwork.

Below is a list of the main combinations grouped according to Floyd Mayweather Sr, Roger Mayweather, and Jeff Mayweather. Each legendary coach has their own style but they also share a similar structure. Note that the techniques in bold are cues for the rest of the sequence.

Be sure to practice the combinations in your own time, either during shadowboxing or even bagwork, and your skills may improve dramatically:

Floyd Mayweather Sr

  • Rear Hook to Body, Rear Uppercut, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Lead Block, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Shoulder Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Rear Slip, Lead Slip, Rear Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Pull, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Triple Jab, Double Jab

Roger Mayweather

  • Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Shoulder Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Lead Hook, Cross

  • Rear Block, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Lead Elbow-Block, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Lead Hook, Cross

  • Rear Elbow-Block, Rear Uppercut, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Lead Hook Cross

  • Rear Uppercut, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Lead Hook, Cross

  • Rear Hook to Body, Cross, Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Lead Hook, Cross

  • Touch, Cross, Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross

  • Shoulder Roll, Rear Block, Shoulder Roll, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Lead Hook, Cross

  • Rear Hook, Lead Hook, Slip, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook, Cross

Jeff Mayweather

  • Lead Block, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

  • Rear Block, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

  • Lead Elbow-Block, Lead Uppercut, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

  • Rear Elbow-Block, Rear Uppercut, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

  • Lead Catch, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

  • Rear Catch, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

  • Slip, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

  • Pull, Cross, Lead Hook, Cross, Double Jab, Cross

The great thing about Mayweather-style padwork is that it mixes routines with randomness. Once you have learned the routines, the next stage will be to add your own improvised punches, blocks, head movement and footwork, or test your ability to perform them on command with a coach.


KingSören, (2018) Floyd Mayweather padwork explained by Roger Mayweather full, [Online Video] Available at: (Access Date: 11/09/2021)

The Mayweather Channel, (2019) Floyd Mayweather Sr. & Andrew Tabiti are the best padwork combo in the business- Judge for yourself, [Online Video] Available at: (Access Date: 11/09/2021)

The Mayweather Channel, (2018) Jeff Mayweather padwork with Australian amateur visiting the Mayweather Boxing Club, [Online Video] Available at: (Access Date: 11/09/2021)

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