Push-Up Variations

Most push-up variations are listed in random order. The problem here is that remembering such lists requires rote memorization.

How might push-up variations be organised? By hand and foot position? By anatomical planes of motion? By number of limbs moving?

The way I have grouped the variations below is by using the basic push-up as a prototype, and it’s distinct phases as categories.

The benefit of organising variations in this way is that: (a) fitness professionals may remember more variations; and (b) they may create new variations under each relevant phase or category.

Basic Push-up

  1. Start from a high plank position.

  2. Bend the arms.

  3. Lower the body in one segment.

  4. Pause.

  5. Extend the arms.

  6. Finish in a high plank position.


  • Start.

    • Hands

      • Narrow / Wide / Alternating

      • Parallel / Staggered / Alternating

      • Single / Both / Alternating

      • On Palms / Knuckles / Fingers

      • Fingers pointing Forward / Sides / Back

    • Legs

      • Narrow / Wide / Alternating

      • Parallel / Staggered / Alternating

      • Single / Both / Alternating

      • Single Knee Down / Both Knees / No Support

    • Body

      • Parallel / Incline / Decline

      • Handstand / Planche

  • Bend the arms.

    • Speed

      • Slow / Fast

    • Range of Motion

      • Full (Negative Push-up) / Partial

  • Lower the body in one segment.

    • Sagittal Plane

      • Pike / Hindu / Dive Bomber

      • Knee Tuck

    • Frontal Plane

      • Left / Right (Typewriter)

      • Circle Clockwise / Anti-clockwise

    • Transverse Plane

      • Knee-to-Elbow (Spiderman)

      • Knee-to-Opposite-Wrist (Rotating)

  • Pause.

    • Timing

      • Brief Pause / Long Pause

    • Position

      • Chest to Floor / Almost to Floor

  • Extend the arms.

    • Speed

      • Slow / Fast

    • Range of Motion

      • Full / Partial

  • Finish.

    • Plyometric

      • Sagittal Plane

        • Hands Clap Single / Multiple

        • Hands Clap in Front / Behind Back (Muay Thai)

        • Single Knee Tuck

          • Under Knee Clap

        • Hands and Feet Jump (Superman)

        • Hands to Knees (Knee Tap)

        • Hands to Feet (Aztec)

      • Frontal Plane

        • Hands Narrow / Wide / Alternating

        • Hands Staggered / Alternating

        • Feet Narrow / Wide / Alternating

        • Side-to-Side

      • Transverse Plane

        • Clockwise / Anti-Clockwise Spin (Tornado)

    • Transition to Other Exercises

      • Arms

        • Low Plank

        • Side Plank

        • Shoulder Tap / Knee Tap

      • Core

        • Sit-up

        • Dorsal Raise

      • Legs

        • Plank Jack

        • Single Leg

          • Knee Tuck

          • Rotating Knee Tuck

        • Mountain Climber

          • Stationary / Lateral / Frontal (Inchworm)

        • Squat Thrust

          • Middle / Sides

        • Lunge Jump

          • Stationary / Frontal / Lateral / Rotating

        • Squat Jump (Burpee)

          • Stationary / Frontal / Lateral / Rotating


How to Feint


Range of Motion