How to Run a Group Induction

How do fitness professionals introduce groups to the use of equipment in a gym environment?

There are at least six objectives:

  1. Preparing the fitness environment.

  2. Welcoming the group.

  3. Providing the necessary health and safety guidance.

  4. Conducting a verbal screen.

  5. Providing an outline of the workout.

  6. Being professional and positive.

Preparing the fitness environment

  1. Check the floors.

  2. Check that all equipment is in working order.

  3. Arrange whatever equipment necessary for the workout.

Welcoming the group:

  1. Greet the group.

  2. Know the name of each person.

  3. Ask them how they are doing.

Conducting a verbal screen:

  1. Check that they have filled out the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q).

  2. Ask if they have have had any recent injuries or conditions.

Providing the necessary health and safety guidance:

  1. Orient them to the gym reception, training area and changing rooms.

  2. Point out the first aider and the fire exits.

  3. Explain the gym rules concerning cleanliness and hygiene.

Providing an outline of the workout

  1. Explain the purpose of the induction.

  2. Outline the five stages of a workout:

    1. Warm-Up (Cardiorespiratory)

    2. Warm-Up (Movement Preparation/Dynamic Stretches)

    3. Main Workout (Resistance Training)

    4. Cool Down (Cardiorespiratory)

    5. Cool Down (Tissue Restoration)

  3. Lead them through the stages:

    1. Warm-Up (Cardiorespiratory)

      1. Cardiorespiratory Machine

    2. Warm-Up (Movement Preparation/Dynamic Stretches)

      1. Dynamic Stretch 1

      2. Dynamic Stretch 2

      3. Dynamic Stretch 3

    3. Main Workout (Resistance Training)

      1. Resistance Machine

      2. Free Weight 1

      3. Free Weight 2: Alternative Functional Modality

      4. Bodyweight

    4. Warm-Up (Cardiorespiratory)

      1. Cardiorespiratory Machine

    5. Cool Down (Tissue Restoration)

      1. Static Stretch 1

      2. Static Stretch 2

      3. Static Stretch 3 with Progression

Being professional and positive

  1. Appropriate clothing.

  2. Smile and make eye contact.

  3. Welcome any questions, and answer them clearly, concisely and accurately.


Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ)


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