Cycles and Plug-Ins: An Advanced Type of Padwork for Boxing

Layering and Stacking are two methods coaches use to teach combinations. These were discussed in an earlier post, which you may find here.

To recap:

  • Layering is the process of adding a single move, repeating it several times, adding another single move, repeating the combination several times, adding another move, and so on.

  • Stacking is the process of practicing a combination, then practicing a separate combination, and then putting them together into one, longer combination.

But there is a third, more advanced method specific to padwork. It can be traced back to Roger Mayweather, and may be called ‘Cycling’ or ‘Looping’.

A ‘cycle’ is a combination repeated on loop. For example:

Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /
Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /
Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /

… and so on.

When practiced long enough, a cycle becomes automated, and may be taken as a baseline upon which other instructions may be given by the coach.

These other instructions are pre-set combinations, and may be called ‘plug-ins’ because they do not form part of the cycle. For example:

Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /
Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /
Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /
Pull, Cross, Double Jab, Cross /
Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /
Uppercut, Cross, Hook, Cross /

… and so on.

The combination (in this case ‘Pull, Cross, Double Jab, Cross’) is ‘plugged in’ and then immediately ‘plugged out’ of the cycle. Once performed, a plug-in is not repeated again, unless called on by the coach.

To summarise:

  • Cycling or Looping is the process of repeating a single combination on loop, while the coach calls out pre-set combinations at key moments.

The purpose of this method is to free the mind to think ahead while throwing punches. It teaches how to make adjustments because the plug-ins create a broken rhythm. And it also improves stamina.


This method is for padwork but there is nothing stopping a boxer from practicing it while shadowboxing or while hitting the heavy bag.

Pick a combination to repeat on loop, decide on some pre-set plug-ins, and get practicing. Once you have learned a combination, move on to another one.


Coach Rick, (2017) Coach Rick's Mittology - Break-Down Tutorial (Early Model 09) Roger Mayweather Style Base Pattern, [Online Video] Available at: (Access Date: 11/09/2021)

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