30 Boxing Coaches to Follow on Instagram
New boxing techniques and training methods are being developed at such a fast pace that boxers and coaches who are not informed remain at a disadvantage.
If as a boxer you wish to have a deeper and broader knowledge of boxing technique, or as a coach wish to stand on the shoulders of giants, I recommend the following sources to follow on Instagram:
Barry Robinson @coachbarryrobinson
Tom Yankello @tomyankelloboxing
Coach Mustafa @mustafasboxing
E L Mostafa Lyousfi @coach_elyo
Coach Anthony @coachanthony
Coach Frank @frankboxingcoach
Andrey Ivichuk @bupascoach
Svetlana Andreyeva @kitek.boxing
Ismael Salas @ismaelantoniosalas
Rasel Hechavarria @cubanboxingcoach
Tony Jeffries @tony_jeffries
Rahim Sepahvand @boxing.sepahvand
Ghennadii Anpilogov @ghennadiianpilogov
Eric A Bradley @masterboxing
Patrice Harris @booghb4life
Coach Rick @mittology
Matthew Chapman @mittmaster
Floyd Mayweather Sr @floydjoymayweathersr
Jeff Mayweather @therealjeffmayweather
Brandon Krause @coachbrandonkrause
Gerald Tucker @gt_the_great_
Tunde Ajayi @staminaforsale9
Darren Goodall @bossmanvenom
Maurice Weber @moweber
Ann Najjar @mittqueen
Jairo Escobar @escobar415
Charles Perales @teamtrouble1
Nate Bower @natebowerfitness
Jason Van @jtvanv
Johnny Nguyen @expertboxing