26 Punch Combinations
Practicing combinations is an important aspect of boxing training and can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. Combinations are sequences of punches that are thrown in rapid succession, and they can be used to score points, land clean shots, and catch an opponent off guard.
One benefit of practicing combinations is that it can improve a boxer's hand speed and coordination. Throwing combinations repeatedly as part of a shadowboxing or bag work routine can help a boxer develop quick reflexes and the ability to throw punches in rapid succession. This can be especially useful in the ring, as it can allow a boxer to land multiple shots in a short period of time and catch an opponent off guard.
Another benefit of practicing combinations is that it can improve a boxer's punching power. Throwing combinations with proper technique and power can help a boxer develop strength and power in their punches, which can be especially useful when fighting against a larger or more experienced opponent.
Overall, practicing combinations is an important aspect of boxing training that can improve hand speed, coordination, and punching power. It is a valuable tool for any boxer looking to improve their skills in the ring and can be especially useful for scoring points, landing clean shots, and catching an opponent off guard.
Below is a list of 26 combinations to add variety to your training:
Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook, Rear Hook, Rear Uppercut,
Jab, CrossLead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook, Rear Hook,
Cross, Jab, Cross,
Rear Uppercut, Lead UppercutRear Hook, Lead Hook,
Lead Uppercut, Rear UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook,
Rear Hook, Rear Uppercut, Lead UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut,
Lead Hook, Rear Hook,
Jab, Cross,
Lead Uppercut, Rear UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut,
Lead Hook, Rear Hook,
Jab, CrossRear Hook, Lead Hook,
Lead Uppercut, Rear Uppercut,
Cross, Rear UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut,
Rear Hook, Rear Uppercut,
Jab, CrossJab, Low Jab, Jab
Lead Hook, Rear Hook,
Jab, Low Jab,
Lead UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook,
Rear Hook, Jab, Rear UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Rear Uppercut
Lead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook,
Jab, Cross,
Rear Hook, Rear UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook,
Rear Uppercut, Rear HookLead Hook, Lead Uppercut,
Rear Uppercut, Rear Hook,
Lead HookLead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook,
Rear Hook, Cross, JabLead Hook, Lead Uppercut,
Rear Uppercut, Rear Hook,
Lead Hook,
Cross, Rear UppercutLead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Lead Hook,
Rear Hook, Cross, Jab,
Rear UppercutRear Hook, Lead Hook,
Jab, Cross,
Rear Uppercut, Lead UppercutJab, Low Jab, Jab,
Lead Hook, Rear HookLead Hook, Lead Uppercut,
Rear Uppercut, Rear Hook,
Rear UppercutLead Hook, Low Jab, Rear Hook
Lead Hook, Lead Uppercut, Jab,
Rear Uppercut, Rear HookLead Hook, Rear Uppercut,
Rear Hook, Lead UppercutLead Hook, Jab, Cross, Rear Hook,
Rear Uppercut, Lead UppercutLead Hook, Rear Hook,
Lead Uppercut, Rear Uppercut
Why 26? Well, now, that’s a secret.