Playing by the Rules: A Complete Guide to Boxing Fouls

What counts as a ‘foul’ in boxing? This question is addressed by The International Boxing Association (AIBA), specifically its document on Technical Competition Rules (2019), which lists a total of 49 rules grouped under four sections:

  1. Rules for Competition Management (Rules 1-17)

  2. Rules for Scoring (Rules 18-24)

  3. Rules for Competition Officials (Rules 25-40)

  4. Rules for Competition Equipment and Uniforms (Rules 41-49)

The Rules for Scoring section contains the rules for Fouls (21), outlined as follows:


  • 21.1. Types of Fouls

    • 21.1.1. Hitting

      • Below the belt (low blow), with the head, shoulder, forearm or elbow

      • With an open glove, the inside of the glove, wrist or side of the hand

      • The back of the opponent, especially on the back of the neck or head

      • With a kidney punch

      • With a pivot blow / backhand punch

    • 21.1.2. Holding

      • Holding and hitting

      • Locking the opponent’s arm or head, or pushing an arm underneath the arm of the opponent

    • 21.1.3. Tripping

    • 21.1.4. Kicking

    • 21.1.5. Butting

    • 21.1.6. Strangling

    • 21.1.7. Pulling

    • 21.1.8. Biting

    • 21.1.9. Faking / simulating

    • 21.1.10. Pushing

      • Opponent’s face with an arm or an elbow

      • The head of the opponent back over the ropes;

    • 21.1.11. Attacking whilst holding the ropes or making any unfair use of the ropes;

    • 21.1.12. Lying on, wrestling and throwing in the clinch;

    • 21.1.13. Attacking an opponent who is down or who is in the act of rising;

    • 21.1.14. Ducking below the belt of the opponent;

    • 21.1.15. Completely passive defense by means of double cover and intentionally falling, running, or turning the back to avoid a blow;

    • 21.1.16. Speaking;

    • 21.1.17. Not stepping back when ordered to break;

    • 21.1.18. Attempting to strike opponent immediately after the Referee has ordered “break” and before taking a step back;

    • 21.1.19. Assaulting or behaving in an aggressive manner towards a Referee at any time;

    • 21.1.20. Gumshield falling out

      • Spitting out the gumshield intentionally without receiving a correct punch will cause the Boxer to receive a mandatory warning;

      • If the gumshield falls out after the Boxer has received a correct punch, and if this happens for the third time, the Boxer will receive a mandatory warning;

    • 21.1.21. Keeping the advanced hand straight in order to obstruct the opponent’s vision


AIBA, 2021. AIBA-Technical-Competition-Rules-. [online] IBA. Available at: <> [Accessed 31 August 2022].

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