Mr Deniz Ates | Boxing Training

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30 Day Challenge Ideas

A thirty-day challenge is a popular way to build a new habit, whether by adding a positive habit or remove a negative one, because it is neither too great nor too small of a challenge. What kind might you try?

Below are one hundred examples to consider:

  1. 30 days of taking a daily walk or run.

  2. 30 days of 10-20 push-ups/pull-ups/squats/leg-presses/sit-ups/dorsal-raises/etc.

  3. 30 days of building to a 5-minute plank.

  4. 30 days of going to the gym.

  5. 30 days of skipping or jump rope.

  6. 30 days of 10-minute stretching.

  7. 30 days of improving your posture.

  8. 30 days of a healthy breakfasts every morning.

  9. 30 days of no take-away food.

  10. 30 days of no sugar.

  11. 30 days of no coffee.

  12. 30 days of no meat.

  13. 30 days of intermittent fasting.

  14. 30 days of 6-8 glasses of water every day.

  15. 30 days of eating 5 fruit or vegetables every day.

  16. 30 days of keeping a food and exercise journal.

  17. 30 days of better sleep.

  18. 30 days of recording dreams.

  19. 30 days of waking up at 5am.

  20. 30 days of not checking your email in the morning.

  21. 30 days making your bed in the morning.

  22. 30 days of cold showers.

  23. 30 days of brushing your teeth for two minutes without looking at the clock.

  24. 30 days of dressing your best.

  25. 30 days of arriving early to work.

  26. 30 days of organizing your digital files.

  27. 30 days of writing down things that happened at work.

  28. 30 days of working towards a new qualification.

  29. 30 days of turning off electronics at 8pm.

  30. 30 days of sitting in silence for 5 minutes.

  31. 30 days keeping a gratitude journal.

  32. 30 days of doing something you have been putting off or avoiding.

  33. 30 days of cleaning your room.

  34. 30 days of visualizing goals and necessary actions.

  35. 30 days of creating short-, medium- and long-term plans.

  36. 30 days of recording problems.

  37. 30 days of writing down questions.

  38. 30 days of brainstorming ideas.

  39. 30 days tracking your expenses.

  40. 30 days of cutting back on spending.

  41. 30 days creating and sticking to a budget.

  42. 30 days of no shopping online.

  43. 30 days paying off a bill.

  44. 30 days of creating checklists.

  45. 30 days of reading a chapter of fiction every day.

  46. 30 days of reading a chapter of non-fiction every day.

  47. 30 days of learning the alphabet and words of a foreign language.

  48. 30 days of learning new recipes.

  49. 30 days of learning to draw.

  50. 30 days of learning to sing.

  51. 30 days of learning to dance.

  52. 30 days of learning magic tricks.

  53. 30 days learning to play a musical instrument.

  54. 30 days of deliberate mistakes.

  55. 30 days of noting the things you know very little about.

  56. 30 days learning the etiquette and taboos of different cultures.

  57. 30 days of learning about world history.

  58. 30 days reading sacred texts.

  59. 30 days of learning about myths from around the world.

  60. 30 days learning about the scientific method.

  61. 30 days learning mental calculation.

  62. 30 days reading the works of just one thinker.

  63. 30 days reading the most cited scientific papers.

  64. 30 days of watching an online university lecture every day.

  65. 30 days of writing your own novel.

  66. 30 days of writing your autobiography.

  67. 30 days memorizing the countries and capitals of the world.

  68. 30 days reflecting on examining assumptions.

  69. 30 days of listening to someone you disagree with.

  70. 30 days of thinking contrary to your group.

  71. 30 days of self-honesty.

  72. 30 days of family time.

  73. 30 days of researching your family history.

  74. 30 days of writing a forgiveness journal.

  75. 30 days of reaching out to friends.

  76. 30 days of writing a thank you note to somebody each day.

  77. 30 days of speaking to strangers.

  78. 30 days of saying ‘no’ to what you actually don’t want to do.

  79. 30 days of deliberately seeking rejection.

  80. 30 days of no social media.

  81. 30 days of no news.

  82. 30 days of tracking your promises and actions.

  83. 30 days of giving to the poor.

  84. 30 days of blaming no one and taking full responsibility for your problems.

  85. 30 days of thinking about the consequences of your daily actions.

  86. 30 days writing down the things that are under your control.

  87. 30 days of abstinence from an addiction.

  88. 30 days of correcting past mistakes.

  89. 30 days of observing and noting your emotions.

  90. 30 days of no swearing.

  91. 30 days of observing and noting the emotions of a significant other.

  92. 30 days of listening for the meaning behind people’s words.

  93. 30 days of random acts of kindness.

  94. 30 days donating to charity every day.

  95. 30 days of traveling to new places in your area.

  96. 30 days of limiting worries to 30-minutes per day.

  97. 30 days of watching stand-up comedy.

  98. 30 days of volunteering.

  99. 30 days writing a ‘quote of the day’.

  100. 30 days writing down the things that make you happy.

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